Awaken – Manifestation Sound Bath
$ Early bird registration before Nov. 1: $45; Nov. 1 and after: $50. No refunds, tickets are transferable to a friend.
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Sunday, November 11, 2018


Inner Sounds Meditation offers extended sound “bath” immersions designed to create the deepest relaxation possible through an intimate experience with limited participants in interesting, unusual spaces.

The theme of this immersion is ~AWAKEN~

AWAKEN your higher self

AWAKEN your senses

AWAKEN your wishes and dreams

AWAKEN your wholeness

For many cultures around the world, November is a highly sacred month and holds the sacred vibration of creativity, oneness and higher consciousness. It represents new beginnings and fresh starts; symbolizing the birth of a new direction.

This sound meditation lies on 11/11 which amplifies that which is already resonating, magnifying the high vibration of this day and strong creative field present, making it the perfect time to capture, awaken and manifest your deepest desires and wishes.

Awaken yourself to wholeness, creativity, manifestation, and a rising collective awareness through this very special sound meditation. Let’s all become AWAKE to the future we want.

Sound Meditation Room