Mother’s Day Sound Healing Bath Meditation
$ $40/General, $35/Bring a Friend, $25/Economically Challenged (Limited to 4 tickets)
1:00 pm to 2:30 pm
Sunday, May 12, 2019


Ease the heart, rest the body, and calm the mind in this inclusive Mother’s day event designed for to inspire Yin energy within us all.

Feel the presence of Yin energy: strong, powerful, tender, receptive, serving without effort, and a presence without need. Receptive Yin energy extends far beyond the female form, the entire universe is comprised and balanced by Yin & Yang, two essential forces in nature.

Men, women, mothers of humans, mothers of pets, mothers of nature, are all welcome in this receptive and inclusive soundscape designed to cultivate creative, receiving, inward, intuitive yin energy. Please note, this sound bath is appropriate for ages 14 and up.

Come alone and be a good mother to yourself or invite someone who has been a mothering figure to you, whether it be biological or a friend, a mentor, partner, or any loving influence in your life. Mothering energy shows up in many ways.

Connect with like hearted community as we co-create a space of togetherness in this special afternoon of sound.


**NO refunds, tickets are transferable to a friend. Simply lie down (or sit) comfortably and receive sound, no yoga is practiced.

What to bring – There are no props at this concert venue. Please bring a yoga mat or blanket to lie down on, 2 pillows, and an extra soft blanket, an eye covering or scarf. Want more info, learn more here.


These sound experiences are created using high quality, meditative instruments and are focused on restoring the nervous system, therefore, each sound bath has a limited amount of participants to ensure each person has adequate space, sufficient props, and a distraction free environment.

Meditate with ease, feel a deep sense of an inner calm and become present to your inner self while being immersed in healing frequencies and washes of cleansing overtones of four planetary gongs, quartz crystal bowls, melodic chimes, ocean drums, and other healing instruments.

Imagine feeling a clearer, lighter, and a ustaining calm for the remainder of your week and weekend. Most participants state they feel a dinstinct sense of calm for several days following a sound meditation and also sleep soundly for several nights.

Other Benefits:

  • Experience a deep inner calm through a quiet mind
  • Release muscular tension
  • Enter meditative states with ease
  • Feel an elevated mood through boosting of natural opiates
  • Deeply rest in the Delta brainwavie state and receive an equivalent to a good night’s sleep
  • Journey inward with coloful visuals and dreamlike states as you tap into your intuition
  • Feel a sense of harmony and wholeness

Additional Information:

My story ~ Learn more about my story here.

I used sound as therapy to erradicate a vicious cycle of anxiety and depression I experienced after my father fell severely mentall ill. Through utilizing sound as therapy, I was able to retrain my body and mind to rest and create new space to metabolize the traumatic experience of losing my father.

What happens at a sound meditation? Learn more here

A sound meditation “bath” is an immersive live sound performance with specially tuned high-quality instruments that can lead to deeply meditative, difficult to reach Theta brainwave states, typically reserved for students with ten years of meditation practice. During the theta brainwave state, expect to feel a spacious and calm mind, relaxed body, and an ability to enter an innerscape that can lead to heightened intuition, insight, self-discovery, emotional release, and a distinct sense of wholeness.

Melissa’s sound meditation baths are focused on restoring the nervous system through deep relaxation. Therefore, each sound bath has a limited amount of participants to ensure each person has adequate space, sufficient props, and a distraction free environment.

Most participants choose to lay down down but it can be experienced seated. No yoga is practiced.

Your attire will not impact your sound meditation experience but comfortable clothes can enhance your ability to relax.

After a short welcome and explanation of how you may feel during a sound bath, Melissa will use her restorative expertise to skillfully guide you in setting yourself up comfortably while lying down so you can have the best experience possible.

You will then deeply relax in an immersive environment of live sound and vibration played by Melissa with specially tuned gongs, chimes, and quartz crystal singing bowls for about sixty minutes.

Then, you will be slowly guided up to a comfortable seat for a closing silent meditation. Total experience is around 90 minutes.

​​Participants have often reported experiencing colorful visuals, emotional release, muscular tension relief, mood elevation, and a deep inner calm. Many enter meditative states and receive transformative insight.

Sound therapy is highly effective at providing relief for chronic pain, digestive issues, insomnia, fibromyalgia, autoimmune disorders, heart’s disease, trauma, depression, fertility issues, anxiety and cancer treatment therapies.

More info here

Questions? Please email Melissa.