Ginny & Sally Parsons

Ginny & Sally Parsons

Ginny Parsons bio

Ginny Parsons is interested in dripping, pouring, splashing and moving paint around on leftovers. An intuitive artist, she works with common household materials like bacon grease and peanut butter. In 2020, orange pandemic plastic removed from the Lincoln Park playstructure has been making an appearance.

For the Mother Tree show, Ginny collaborated with her daughter Sally Parsons. Sally contributed the materials: everything from Ford Motor paint in Detroit, to Grandpa’s TopBrass hair gel and powdered milk found in the basement after he died. Sally also contributed the surfaces: left behind frames, bulletin boards and albums, and paintings she did when she was four. The inspiration for Ginny’s subject matter comes from Sally’s recent El Paso photos of lemons and lemonade.

Ginny Parsons is an Alameda artist and has curated for years at Rhythmix, shows at Gray Loft Gallery and runs an Art Camp for kids out of her studio near Lincoln Park.


  • Coffee in El Paso - Ginny Parsons

    Coffee in El Paso

    Motor paint, topbrass, powdered milk on Sally’s frame with shower curtain. 17″ x 41″


  • El Paso Lemons - Ginny Parsons

    El Paso Lemons

    Motor paint, topbrass, powdered milk on Sally’s left-behind packaging. 24″ x 28″


  • Lemonade from El Paso

    Lemonade from El Paso

    Acrylic, powdered milk, topbrass on canvas over Sally’s old frame. 11″ x 11″
